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Posts from the ‘Arts Conservation’ Category

Aesthetic Darwinism

Leonardo, gone but not forgotten

Leonardo, gone but not forgotten

We love the arts, and want to preserve them all…or so we think until we realize that we also need to make space for the new. In the process, forms come and go, and some ultimately die out. The process is natural and not necessarily a bad thing unto itself. However, it comes with some difficult questions. Andrew Swensen takes up some of those challenges — the need to cultivate the new, to preserve the old, and to make sure that everyone has a place in the rich world of the arts.

Read on in our latest article, Aesthetic Darwinism” (click here to read full article).

Preserving Touchstones of the Past

by Elyssa Jechow

In our hurry to forge ahead in innovation and stay current with the rapid-fire exchange of information, we may neglect to slow down long enough to recognize the importance of tradition and its relevance to moving forward.

Elyssa Jechow contemplates the artistic legacies of the past, the small and everyday things from needlepoint to diary writing, and travels both the world of contemporary conservators and her own family history in the process. Take a reflective walk with her in “Preserving Touchstones of the Past” (click to view full article).